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发布时间:2019-07-18 14:38信息来源:美国加州大学



Postdoc Search 2019

Subject: Postdoctoral scholar position in the lab of Dr. Robert Blelloch (Professor, UCSF) to study exosome regulation of anti-tumor immunity

NIH-funded postdoctoral research positions are available in the Blelloch laboratory at UCSF to study how cancers use exosomes to suppress the anti-tumor immune response enabling their progression and resistance to current immune checkpoint inhibitor therapies. This work follows up our recent publication: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)30165-5. We are seeking independent and highly motivated candidates with a Ph.D. and/or M.D., preferably with expertise in cancer and/or immunology and experience in mouse modeling, molecular biology, cell culture and genetic manipulation.

More information about the Blelloch Lab can be found at: https://apptrkr.com/1518141

Application Instructions: Please email a cover letter describing past research accomplishments and future research interests and career goals, curriculum vitae, and contact information of three references to Dr. Blelloch at Robert.blelloch@ucsf.edu.

Institution: University of California, San Francisco

Position Title: Postdoctoral Fellow

Location (City, State): San Francisco, California

Time Commitment: Full-time only




