Postdoc for the CTA and MST project
German Electron Synchrotron (DESY)
Work group:
Area of research:
Scientific / postdoctoral posts
Starting date:
Job description:
DESY, with its 2700 employees at its two locations in Hamburg and Zeuthen, is one of the world’s leading research centres. Its research focuses on decoding the structure and function of matter, from the smallest particles of the universe to the building blocks of life. In this way, DESY contributes to solving the major questions and urgent challenges facing science, society and industry. With its ultramodern research infrastructure, its interdisciplinary research platforms and its international networks, DESY offers a highly attractive working environment in the fields of science, technology and administration as well as for the education of highly qualified young scientists.
CTA, the Cherenkov Telescope Array, will be the next-generation facility for high-energy gamma-ray astronomy, consisting of about 100 telescopes of different sizes in the northern and southern hemisphere. Among other projects, DESY has the responsibility for the design, construction and deployment of the Medium Size Telescope (MST) structures.
The position
•Design, test and implement MST control and configuration software
•Support the commissioning and performance verification of the first MSTs on the observatory site
•Support the software development for the CTA observatory
•Analysis of gamma-ray telescope data
•PhD in physics or astronomy or equivalent qualifications
•Experience in hardware development
•Experience with the operation of telescopes/detectors and the development of software for readout, control and/or monitoring
•Interest in software design, development and management
•Knowledge of OO programming (C++ or Java) and scripting languages (ideally python)
•Experience in astroparticle-physics and data analysis
•Fluent in English
Salary and benefits are commensurate with those of public service organisations in Germany. Classification is based upon qualifications and assigned duties. Persons with disabilities will be given preference to other equally qualified applicants. DESY operates flexible work schemes. DESY is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and encourages applications from women.
Please send your application quoting the reference code APPO005/2021, also by E-Mail toDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY Human Resources Department | Code: APPO005/2021 Notkestraße 85 | 22607 Hamburg | 22607 Hamburg Germany Phone: +49 40 8998-3392 Deadline for applications: www.desy.de
This research center is part of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers. With more than 42,000 employees and an annual budget of over 5 billion, the Helmholtz Association is Germany’s largest scientific organisation.

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