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发布时间:2021-05-11 09:13信息来源:芬兰图尔库大学


Senior Researcher Fellow

University Of Turku


Senior Researcher Fellow

FONO is a research project funded by the Academy of Finland. This “Focus on Numerical Order” (FONO) project develops new methods for cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of 4-6 year old children. This project explores individual and developmental differences in the development of numerical order skills, cardinality, and numeracy skills. Intervention studies will examine whether spontaneous focusing on numerical order can be supported in early childhood education. The project aims to make progress in the theoretical understanding of the developmental dynamics of early mathematical skills as well as make significant advances in the development of numerical ordering assessment methods.

A person selected for the post of senior research fellow is required to have a doctoral degree and the ability to conduct independent scientific work. For the post of a senior research fellow on the third level of the teaching and research staff career structure, evidence of scientific research work and the necessary teaching skills are also required. The applicant's doctoral degree must be completed by the end of the application period. Excellent oral and written English language skills are necessary. A doctoral degree suitable for the position is a degree in education, psychology or other behavioral sciences. Ideally, the senior research fellow has a strong educational or developmental psychological background and a previous orientation toward mathematical development research and / or intervention research and, the applicant is familiar with contemporary methodologies of research on mathematical development.

We are looking for an enthusiastic, enterprising researcher capable of conducting high-level scientific research in collaboration with the research team. The senior research fellow will participate in the planning, analysis, and reporting of the results of the FONO research data collection, as well as in other ongoing studies of the Mathematical Learning Research Group. Previous work in the research area, active publishing activities, and management of demanding statistical analysis methods are considered an advantage.

The salary is determined by the collective agreement system of Finnish universities. The position belongs to the category of teaching and research personnel, and consists of two components: a work-specific salary component reflecting how demanding the position is and a performance component reflecting an evaluation of personal achievement. The salary of Senior Research Fellow is on level 5-7 in which the work-specific salary component is 3.000,49 – 4.033,80 euros per month. In addition to this the personal performance component is paid and at the beginning of the employment contract it typically adds 6–19 % to the base salary.

The assignment has a 6-month trial period.

Applications must be submitted by May 24th, 2021 (23:59 GMT+02:00 Helsinki) using the electronic application form of the University of Turku. The link to the application system is at the beginning of this announcement (“Apply for the job”).

The application must include (1) a motivation letter in which the applicant describes their own research interests and how they relate to the activities of the research group and previous experience, (2) a curriculum vitae including a list of publications, and (3) copie(s) of diplomas (if the degree / degrees have not been completed at the University of Turku). Selected applicants will be invited for an interview that will be conducted remotely. For more information on the position, please contact Professor Minna Hannula-Sormunen, minna.hannula-sormunen@utu.fi , tel. +358 50 337 8740. For more information or questions about the application process contact HR Specialist Heli Salakoski, heli.salakoski@utu.fi , tel. +358 50 438 1492.





