Postdoc in First Principles Simulations Of Magnetic Correlations In Two-Dimensional Anti-Ferromagnets
Technical University of Denmark
One postdoc position is available at the section for Computational Atomic- scale Materials Design (CAMD), department of physics, Technical University of Denmark (DTU). The main focus of CAMD is first principles simulations of materials properties in the framework of Density Functional Theory. Research activities in the section include magnetism, ferroelectrics, spin-orbit physics, optical properties, two-dimensional materials, high throughput materials discovery, and machine learning.
The present project will focus on computation of magnon dispersion relations in two-dimensional anti-ferromagnets. We will apply time-dependent density functional theory and many-body perturbation theory to extract magnon dispersion relations. For itinerant magnets, the interaction with single- particle excitations and magnon lifetimes will be investigated.
Responsibilities and qualifications The successful candidate will be responsible for developing a first principles framework for understanding the fundamental properties of magnons in anti- ferromagnets. The topic is challenging, but offers a unique chance to delve deep into the rich physics associated with magnetic correlations. The candidate will work in a group consisting of four faculty members and 20 PhD students and postdocs; all dedicated to research involving first principles simulations.
You should have a PhD in physics, materials science or a similar degree and a strong background in first principles simulations. Knowledge of magnetic excitations will be an advantage, but is not required. A strong background in programming with Python is preferred. In addition, the candidate must have excellent communications skills in English.
Assessment The assessment of the applicants will be made by Prof. Thomas Olsen and will be based on CV, publication record, the cover letter, and references.
We offer DTU is a leading technical university globally recognized for the excellence of its research, education, innovation and scientific advice. We offer a rewarding and challenging job in an international environment. We strive for academic excellence in an environment characterized by collegial respect and academic freedom tempered by responsibility.
Salary and appointment terms The appointment will be based on the collective agreement with the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. The period of employment is 2 years and the preferred starting date is 1 September 2021.
You can read more about career paths at DTU here.
Further information Further information may be obtained from Thomas Olsen, email: tolsen@fysik.dtu.dk.
You can read more about the department of Physics and the section for Computational Atomic-scale Materials Design (CAMD) at www. camd.dtu.dk.
If you are applying from abroad, you may find useful information on working in Denmark and at DTU at DTU – Moving to Denmark.

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