Postdoctoral Researcher / Senior Researcher, Accounting
Vaasa University
We are now inviting applications for the position of Postdoctoral Researcher / Senior Researcher for a fixed-term. The field of the position is accounting. The starting date is 1.1.2022 or as agreed (at latest 1.8.2022) and ending date 31.12.2025. The employment is subject to a probationary period.
Your role
The position is located in the School of Accounting and Finance in the field of accounting. The profile of the position can be specified based on your expertise.
The position is research-orientated and includes research as well as applying for external funding for research projects and working in and/or leading the projects. The appointed person will also participate in teaching and thesis supervision in Accounting programs (B.Sc. & M.Sc.). Work may include other tasks to be agreed upon separately.
The annual working time is 1612 hours based on the general collective agreement for universities. More detailed task description is agreed in the Annual Work Plan.
As a Postdoctoral Researcher you are required to have a doctoral degree and the ability to do independent scientific work as well as the necessary teaching skills.
As a Senior Researcher you are required to have a doctoral degree, evidence of high quality and independent research work, and the teaching skills required for the position. In addition, the ability to obtain complementary research funding. The ability to manage research projects and their finances is considered as a merit.
Personnel recruited to fill teaching and research positions are to be proficient in Finnish. However, the University may grant an exemption from the Finnish language proficiency requirement. Strong English language skills are a prerequisite to succeed in the position. More information about the application process and language requirements: https: // www. uwasa.fi/en/open- positions/application-and-selection-process
Inspiring working environment
The School of Accounting and Finance is one of Finland's largest educational units in its field and internationally known for its high-quality research activities. The School includes four disciplines: accounting, finance, business law and economics. In research, the unit's particular strengths are management accounting, corporate finance and financial markets, corporate financial statements, auditing, the effects of information regulation on business operations, intangible capital and financial literacy.
The 5,000 students and 500 employees of the University of Vaasa thrive on the most beautiful campus in Finland, at the seaside. Our university community is international: we come from 80 countries. As an employer, we focus on employee well-being at work by providing extensive occupational health care, flexible working time arrangements and opportunities for competence development. We have been awarded the HR Excellence in Research recognition. Read more about us: https: // www. uwasa.fi/en/open-positions
The salary is based on the University Salary System for Teaching and Research Staff. The salary for a Postdoctoral Researcher is based on demand level 5 (3000
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