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发布时间:2022-03-11 10:09信息来源:挪威阿哥德大学


Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in ICT - Machine learning and internet-of-things for healthcare Agder University College


A 100% position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Engineering and Science as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in ICT, affiliated to the Department of Information and Communication Technology, for a period of two years. The position is located, at Campus Grimstad. The preferred starting date is 1 June 2022 or upon agreement with the Faculty.

The StaySafe project is a collaboration between the University of Agder (UiA), Sørlandet Hospital (SSHF), and Egde Consulting AS funded in part by the Research Council of Norway. Motivated by the recent advancements in Internet-of-Things technologies and machine learning algorithms, it aims at developing a viable solution for the monitoring of acute mental/emotional states of patients in healthcare settings. The integration of real-time, continuous physiological and behavioral signals based on machine learning will allow the early detection of patterns indicative of imminent risk and facilitate intervention by medical personnel.


The successful candidate will develop machine learning algorithms for the classification and prediction of time series data collected from heterogeneous IoT devices deployed in hospitals with the objective of developing a fully functional prototype system.

Required qualifications

Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, ICT, or a similar/related field and documented competence in areas relevant to the position. Please note that candidates who will graduate in 2022 are eligible to apply; they must, however, have fulfilled all formal degree requirements by the time an offer is made.

English proficiency, both written and oral

In addition to a solid background and research experience in machine learning, the successful candidate must have experience or education in one or more of the following application areas of machine learning:

Human activity recognition

Biomedical signal processing

Time series analysis

Additionally, a relevant publication record and previous interdisciplinary experience in e-Health research and innovation will be a strong recommendation. Applicants will be assessed on the basis of academic background and results, attainment, and any previous research and development work.

Further provisions relating to the positions as Post-doctoral Research Fellows can be found in the Regulations Concerning Terms and Conditions of Employment for the post of Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Research Fellow, Research Assistant and Resident.

Personal qualities

Strong analytical, experimental and measurement skills

Enthusiasm for pursuing top-quality research work

Proactive problem-solving skills

Capability of performing both independent and teamwork

Critical and scientific thinking

Application deadline: 31.03.22


For questions about the position:

Professor Christian Omlin, tel. +47 932 59 144, e-mail christian.omlin@uia.no

Head of Department Folke Haugland, tel. +47 37 23 31 12, e-mail folke.haugland@uia.no





