瑞士EMPA 研究所2022年招聘博士后/科学家职位(农业土壤中N2O排放和同位素指纹图谱)
瑞士EMPA 研究所2022年招聘博士后/科学家职位(农业土壤中N2O排放和同位素指纹图谱)
瑞士联邦材料科学与技术研究所(EMPA :德语Eidgenössische Materialprüfungs- und Forschungsanstalt /英文全称为Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology),与苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)、洛桑理工学院(EPFL)、PSI、WSL、EAWAG同属于瑞士联邦理工学院及研究所联合体(ETH Domin), 成立于1880年,是一所有着一百多年历史的世界著名的材料研究所,同时也是瑞士四所顶尖联邦研究所之一。作为瑞士联邦理工中唯一的材料技术研究所,主要从事材料科学和技术的跨学科研究,在纳米结构材料和表面、生物启发材料、纤维素可再生材料、环境技术、能源技术、生物医疗技术等方面进行深入研究。有超过50多个国家的研究学者在此进行材料科学领域的研究工作。EMPA在读学生全部注册在世界顶尖理工院校ETH Zurich和EPFL,由两所学校的顶尖科学家指导完成论文。
3 - 4 year postdoc / scientist position on N2O emissions and isotopic fingerprints from agricultural soils
Empa Materials Science and Technology
Empa - the place where innovation starts
Empa is the research institute for materials science and technology of the ETH Domain and conducts cutting-edge research for the benefit of industry and the well-being of society.
The Laboratory for Air Pollution / Environmental Technology has an opening for a
3 - 4 year postdoc / scientist position on N2O emissions and isotopic fingerprints from agricultural soils
The project aims at the validation and implementation of cavity ring-down spectroscopy to determine N2O emissions and isotopic fingerprints from agricultural soils. Your activities will build on our previous and ongoing achievements in N2O isotope analysis to achieve outstanding accuracy, automation and high sample throughput. You will perform N2O flux and isotope observations at agricultural sites to validate biogeochemical soil models and upscale observations that can then be compared to national inventories. Your developments are key contributions to the European metrology project "quantiAGREMI" and the Horizon Europe project "PARIS". Together with leading scientists you will create new methodologies for the attribution and quantification of emission processes.
We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc / scientist experienced in trace gas analysis by optical spectroscopy and / or isotope analysis.
Job description, responsibilities and tasks
Refine and validate a calibration and correction strategy for a CRDS analyser for N2O isotopes (Picarro G5131-i), targeting at N2O from soil chambers.
Interface CRDS with an autosampler and develop an analytical routine for N2O isotope and concentration analysis.
Perform intercomparison measurements of CRDS with GC-IRMS and TREX-QCLAS.
Conduct field studies in collaboration with project partners at agricultural sites to characterize the yearly cycle on isotopic fingerprints of emitted N2O.
Interpret results with respect to source processes to improve the parameterization of biogeochemical soils models of our research partners.
Communicate results in project reports, at meetings, conferences and in peer-reviewed journals.
Required skills
PhD degree in natural sciences, chemistry or a related discipline.
Solid background in isotope analysis, laser spectroscopy and / or the N2O biogeochemical cycle.
Experience and strong flair for experimental research on gases.
Software skills (e.g. Python, MATLAB or R).
Ability to communicate scientific results in peer-reviewed journals and at conferences.
Fluency in English is required; basic knowledge of German is a plus.
We are offering a multifaceted and challenging position for 3 - 4 years (with the possibility of extension) in a modern research environment with excellent infrastructure. Working place will be Empa in Dübendorf.
Appointments start preferably before April 2023. All applications received before 15 December 2022 will receive full consideration.
For further information about the position please contact Dr Joachim Mohn joachim.mohn@empa.ch and visit our websites www. empa.ch/web/s503/emissions- and-isotopes and Empa-Video
We look forward to receiving your online application including a letter of motivation, CV, diplomas with transcripts and contact details of two referees. Please upload the requested documents through our webpage. Applications via email will not be considered.
Empa, David Heusser, Human Resources, Ueberlandstrasse 129, 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland.
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