埃因霍芬理工大学(Eindhoven University of Technology,TU Eindhoven;荷兰语为Technische Universiteit Eindhoven;缩写为TU/e,位于荷兰王国埃因霍芬。TU/e作为欧洲卓越理工大学联盟战略成员,高度重视产学合作,其高质量的教学与科研在国际上享有很高的知名度,是欧洲著名理工大学之一。
埃因霍芬理工大学依托其在能源、生物与生命科学、智能移动这三大领域的研究背景和学术实力,与工业界开展了广泛的合作,包括荷兰光刻机巨头ASML以及TNO Automotive,壳牌,飞利浦,Philips Healthcare,NXP, DAF Truck,TomTom等知名企业。其知名校友包含计算机流程探勘之父Wil van der Aals,联合利华公司主席Marijn Dekkers,沃达丰董事长Gerard Kleisterlee。
2-Year Post-Doc on Nonlinear System Identification for Model Completion
Eindhoven University of Technology
2-Year Post-Doc on Nonlinear System Identification for Model Completion
(Post-doctoral) Researcher
Irène Curie Fellowship
Electrical Engineering
Date off
Reference number
Job description
Project Description
Systems and control engineers aim to master increasingly complex dynamical systems while including stronger performance, operational and energy constraints. As model-based control design remains the dominant paradigm, this results in an increasing need for nonlinear modeling. However, model interpretability and generalization capabilities form important roadblocks for a wide adaptation and applicability of nonlinear system identification methods. This ERC-funded project aims to tackle these challenges.
Strong prior knowledge is given by existing models, provided by system designers and engineers, even though they do not capture all the nonlinear dynamics of the real-life system. These models are currently not accounted for during data-driven modelling. This project aims to develop a comprehensive nonlinear system identification framework to obtain accurate and interpretable models of measured complex system dynamics by completing an approximate pre- existing model through black-box nonlinear system identification. New theory and algorithms are put in place to 1) provide model structures, algorithms and theory that flexibly interconnect the pre-existing model and the data- driven completion 2) ensure that data-driven completion models are interpretable and preserve key system theoretic aspects 3) data-driven experiment design strategies to detect, quantify and localize model errors at low experimental cost. The resulting system identification methodologies are applicable over a wide range of engineering disciplines (mechanical, electrical, biomedical) and provides system engineers with the necessary insight to guide them towards better solutions for tomorrow's industry.
Study the literature of machine learning, nonlinear system identification and data-driven modelling.
Development of (control-oriented) interpretable data-driven nonlinear modeling approaches for model completion.
Stochastic analysis of consistency and convergence of the results and empirical validation of the techniques on complex physical/chemical and/or electrical/mechatronic systems.
Exploration of the steps of the identification cycle for the developed methods from experiment design to verification of model completion.
Dissemination of the results of your research in international and peer- reviewed journals and conferences.
You will be involved in the research of the PhD students active within the project.
Assume educational tasks like the supervision of Master students and internships.
Job requirements
We are looking for a candidate who meets the following requirements:
You obtained a PhD in Systems and Control and have a strong publication record on the topic of (nonlinear) system identification or similar.
You are a talented and enthusiastic young researcher.
You have good programming skills and experience (Matlab and Python).
You have good communicative skills, and the attitude to partake successfully in the work of a research team. You are a team player who enjoys coaching of PhD and Master students in multicultural teams.
You are creative and ambitious, hard-working, and persistent.
You have excellent command of the English language (knowledge of Dutch is not required).
Conditions of employment
A meaningful job in a dynamic and ambitious university with the possibility to present your work at international conferences.
A full-time employment for 2 years.
High-quality training programs on general skills, didactics and topics related to research and valorization.
A TU/e Postdoc Association that helps you to build a stronger and broader academic and personal network, and offers tailored support, training and workshops.
A gross monthly salary and benefits in accordance with the Collective Labor Agreement for Dutch Universities.
Additionally, an annual holiday allowance of 8% of the yearly salary, plus a year-end allowance of 8.3% of the annual salary.
Should you come from abroad and comply with certain conditions, you can make use of the so-called ‘30% facility', which permits you not to pay tax on 30% of your salary.
A broad package of fringe benefits, including an excellent technical infrastructure and sports facilities, moving expenses, and savings schemes.
Family-friendly initiatives are in place, such as an international spouse program, and excellent on-campus children day care and sports facilities.
Information and application
Group Description
The Control Systems (CS) group research activities span all facets of systems and control theory, such as linear, nonlinear and hybrid systems theory, model predictive control, machine learning for modelling and control, modelling and identification and formal methods in control. The CS group has a strong interconnection with other academic institutions and industry via national and European funded projects in a diverse range of application areas, often focusing on interdisciplinary research.
The Post-Doc will join the group and interact with the other members of the CS group (around 40 researchers). Research within the CS Group is characterized by personal supervision. Furthermore, the Post-Doc will have access to the advanced courses offered by the Dutch Institute for Systems and Control, and will be able to attend national and international scientific conferences.
For more detailed information on the activities of the group please check https:// tue.nl/cs/.
Do you recognize yourself in this profile and would you like to know more? Please contact dr. ir. Maarten Schoukens m.schoukensattue.nl
Have a look in our lab: https: // www. youtube.com/watch?v=JaEXPI8gJbU
Visit our website for more information about the application process or the conditions of employment.. You can also contact HR Services, HRServices.Fluxattue.nl.
Are you inspired to know more about working at TU/e?Please visit our career page.
We invite you to submit a complete application by using the 'apply now'-button on this page. The application should include:
A cover letter explaining your motivation and suitability for the position.
Curriculum vitae, including a full list of publications and conference contributions.
A list of 2 to 5 selected publications, along with a summary of their content, a description of their relevance for the scopes of the project, your role in the research, and the corresponding DOIs. Preprints and conference papers can be included.
Contact details of two references (name, affiliation, and contact information).
We look forward to your application and will screen it as soon as we have received it. Screening will continue until the position has been filled.
Please keep in mind you can upload only 5 documents up to 2 MB each. If necessary, please combine files.
We do not respond to applications that are sent to us in a different way.

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