Career Opportunities for Talents in South China Research Center for Applied Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Studies,South China Normal University
华南师范大学始建于1933 年,是一所办学历史悠久、学科门类齐全、发展势头迅猛的国家“211“工程”重点建设大学、广东省人民政府和教育部重点共建大学、广东省高水平重点建设大学、国家建设世界一流学科大学。学校现有广州石牌、广州大学城和南海3 个校区,占地面积3025 亩,校舍面积155 万平方米,图书374 万册。校园景色怡人,人文景观遍布,文化气息浓厚。
Founded in 1933, South China Normal University is a key university with a long history of cultivating talents,a comprehensive range of discipliners and rapid developing momentum.In 1996, it became a member of “Project211”, a national project aiming to establish 100 well-acknowledged key universities and colleges in China. 2015 saw the co-construction of SCNU by the Guangdong Provincial Government and Ministry of Education as well as its entry into the Guangdong High-Level University Sponsoring Project. In 2017, SCNU became a member of the National Sponsoring Project for World-Class Disciplines Construction. SCNU now boasts three campuses, namely Shipai Campus, University Town Campus and Nanhai Campus, with a total school area of over three hundred hectares and a total floor space of over one million square meters, housing a collection of over 3.7 million books.
华南数学应用与交叉研究中心是在学校高水平大学建设的战略决策和重点发展规划下于 2017 年初成立的独立的研究机构,有充足的运行经费,在石牌校区拥有场地使用面积1200 平 方米。中心聚焦应用数学、计算数学、数学物理、数据分析与处理、统计学及其他交叉科学领 域前沿研究,服务地方经济社会发展。聘请著名数学家分别担任中心主任和应用数学、计算数 学、交叉科学等学科带头人。中心现面向海内外诚聘杰出人才、领军人才、青年拔尖人才、青 年英才和博士后。
South China Research Center for Applied Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Studies, founded in 2017 with 1200m2 office building and sufficient funds support from the university, is focused in the frontier studies in the applied mathematics, computational mathematics, mathematical physics, data processing and interdisciplinary sciences. The Center has recruited famous mathematicians as directors and the academic leaders of applied mathematics, computational mathematics, interdisciplinary sciences and other disciplines. The Center is currently recruiting for outstanding talents, leading talents, outstanding young scholars, young talent and post-doctoral candidates at domestic and abroad, welcome to join us.
Research Discipliners with Vacancies Available
1. Applied Mathematics: Partial Differential Equation, Mathematical Physics, Ordinary Differential Equation and Dynamical System;
2. Computational Mathematics and Data Analysis and Processing: Numerical Methods for PDEs, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Big Data Analysis, and Statistics;
3. Interdisciplinary sciences: Physics, Mechanics, and Mathematics in Finance, etc.
Basic Requirements
1. Should have higher ideological and political quality, a good spirit of teamwork and devotion, should also be able to carry out scientific research independently;
2. Should be dedicated, hard-working, physically and mentally healthy, and with great enthusiasm to your job, enterprising and responsible;
3. Should have a PhD degree from locally and internationally recognized universities or institutions;
4. Should have a full-time bachelor’s degree.
Vacancies and Benefits
High-level Talents
1. 杰出人才
Outstanding Talents
学术造诣深厚,已取得国际同行公认的标志性成果,学术领导能力强,近五年科研成果丰富。能带领 团队开展创新性科学研究,并能引领学科的发展。院士、****、万人计划、长江学者、国家杰青获得 者或者具有与之相当水平的优秀学者,拥有海外知名大学正教授职称优先引进。
提供优厚的具有竞争力的年薪和购房补贴,科研启动经费按实际需要提供,配备科研助手。子女可入 读华南师范大学附属小学和幼儿园,可按规定申请公租房。
Requirement: Candidates, should have great academic reputation and leadership. He/She is expected to have achieved internationally recognized landmark research achievements and have had abundant research achievements in recent 5 years. Candidates can assume the leading role in his/her discipline or field of research. Candidates, who are qualified as academicians, National Thousand Young Talent, Ten-thousand Talents, Chang Jiang Scholars, Distinguished Young Scholars or equivalent, or having a prestigious overseas universities’ professor title, will be preferred.
Candidates will be provided competitive annual salary and housing allowance. Research start-up fund will be provided according to his/her current qualifications and experience. His/Her children can apply to study in the affliated kindergarten and primary school of SCNU according to relevant regulations.
2. 领军人才
Leading Talents
学术造诣深厚,已取得国内同行公认的重要成果,学术领导能力强,近五年科研成果丰硕。能带领团 队开展创新性的科学研究,并能引领学科的发展。国内申请者具有省级特聘教授人才称号或者达到相当水 平,境外申请者拥有境外知名大学副教授以上职称。具有冲击长江学者、国家杰青的能力和潜力者予以优 先考虑。
提供优厚的具有竞争力的年薪和购房补贴,科研启动经费按实际需要提供,配备科研助手。子女可入 读华南师范大学附属小学和幼儿园,可按规定申请公租房。
Requirement: Candidates, should have great academic reputation and leadership. He/She is expected to have achieved internationally recognized landmark research achievements and have had abundant research achievements in recent 5 years. Candidates can assume the leading role in his/her discipline or field of research. The domestic applicants have the provincial title of Distinguished Professor or equivalent; the overseas applicants have the title of associate professor and above at overseas well-known universities; and the applicants have the ability or have the potential for Chang Jiang Scholars or Distinguished Young Scholars, will be preferred.
Candidates will be provided competitive annual salary and housing allowance. Research start-up fund will be provided according to his/her current qualifications and experience. His/Her children can apply to study in the affliated kindergarten and primary school of SCNU according to relevant regulations.
Outstanding Young Scholars
(1)原则上年龄不超过40 周岁,有较高学术造诣和强烈的开拓进取精神,近五年有重要科研成果, 有****、青年长江、国家优青称号或达到相当水平。
(2)原则上年龄不超过35 周岁,具有冲击****、青年长江、国家优青的能力和潜力。鼓励中国 科学院或者985 高校的副研究员和副教授,以及具有重要学术成果的海外博士后应聘。 青年拔尖人才年薪30-60 万元,购房补贴最高可达200 万元,科研启动经费按实际需要提供,配备科研 助手。子女可入读华南师范大学附属小学和幼儿园,可按规定申请公租房。
(1) Candidates, preferably under 40 years old, should have deep academic background, have strong enterprising spirit and abundant scientific research results in recent five years, and are qualified as Thousand Young Talents, Chang Jiang Young Scholars, Outstanding Youth or any one with the same academic level and achievement.
(2) Candidates, preferably under 35 years old, should have the ability or have the potential for the Thousand Young Talents, Chang Jiang Young Scholars, or Outstanding Youth. Deputy researchers and associate professors from the Chinese Academy of Sciences or “985 Project” universities or overseas post-doctors with important academic achievements are encouraged to apply.
Candidates will be rewarded with an annual pre-tax salary of 300,000-600,000 RMB. Housing Allowance of up to 2 million RMB will be provided. Research start-up fund will be provided according to the actual needs. His/Her children can apply to study in the affliated kindergarten and primary school of SCNU according to relevant regulations.
Youth Talent
1. 在世界综合排名前100 名的学科、世界知名高校或国际著名科研院所获得博士学位或从事博士后工 作2 年以上的人员。
2. 具有博士学位,且在海外知名高校、研究机构具有讲师、助理教授或相当职务及以上职位的人员。
3. 海内外著名大学博士毕业,且具有连续2 年以上在海外知名高校、研究机构或国家级研究机构等从 事前沿科学研究经历,并取得较好的阶段性成果者。
4. 获得本学科领域海内外最高层次奖项或荣誉者。
5. 在海内外知名大学取得博士学位,业绩特别突出,且近五年以第一作者取得学术成果三项以上(包 括在本学科高水平杂志发表高水平学术论文、海内外发明专利、主持国家级科研项目、获得省级以上学术 奖励等),经学校通讯评议或学院推荐通过者。
青年英才待遇:一类聘特聘研究员,二类聘特聘副研究员;起点年薪一类25 万元、二类20 万元;聘 期内依托我校以项目负责人身份申获以下科研项目可提高年薪标准,从报到当月补齐:获国家基金青年项 目年薪增至30 万元,获国家基金面上项目年薪增至35 万元;首聘期科研启动经费理工科不超过20 万元、 其他学科不超过10 万元;聘期内提供租房补贴每月3000 元;子女可按规定申请入读华南师范大学附属幼 儿园和小学。
Meet any one of the following requirements:
1. Candidates have received the PhD degree from the Top 100 disciplines in the World Ranking, worldwide well-known colleges and universities or internationally renowned Scientific Research Institutes, or with over 2 years post-doctoral work experience.
2. Candidates, who has a PhD degree, are lecturers, associate professors or equivalent and above in overseas well-known colleges and universities or scientific research institutes.
3. Candidates graduated as a doctor from well-known local and international colleges and universities, and specialize in the frontier studies in overseas well-known colleges and universities, scientific research institutes or national research institutes, and have achieved phase fruits during 2 consecutive years.
4. Candidates have achieved the highest level of awards or honor in this field all over the world.
5. Candidates have received the PhD degree from local and international well-known colleges and universities, with outstanding achievements, and have three and above scientific achievements being the primary author (including papers publishing in high quality journals, invention patents at domestic and abroad, presiding national scientific projects, and obtaining academic reward at or above the provincial level, etc..) and approved by peer review or college recommendation.
First-category talent will be recruited as Special Senior Research Fellow and second-category talent as Special Associate Research Fellow. For first-category talent, the starting salary is 250,000RMB and for second-category talent 200,000 RMB. During the tenure, the annual salary will be raised and the difference in salary will be compensated from the date of employment if relying on resources of SCNU, the candidate, as the project leader, can successfully apply for the following scientific research projects: for a project supported by National Foundation for Young Scholars, the salary will be raised to 300,000 RMB, and for a project supported by National Foundation for General Programs, the salary will be raised to 350,000 RMB. Research start-up fund of up to 200,000 RMB will be provided to the candidates recruited for the first time in the fields of science and engineering and research start-up fund of up to 100,000 RMB for candidates from other disciplines. Monthly rental allowance of 3000 RMB will be provided during the tenure. His or her children can apply to study in the affiliated kindergarten and primary school of SCNU according to relevant regulations.
一类博士后:35 周岁以下,在中国科学院、中国社科院、排名不低于我校的国内高校、所在学科不低 于我校同学科排名的高校或世界排名前500 位高校或科研机构获得博士研究生学历学位不超过3 年的博士, 或通过博士学位论文答辩的应届博士。
二类博士后:35 周岁以下,获得博士研究生学历学位不超过3 年的博士,或通过博士学位论文答辩的 应届博士。
博士后待遇:一类聘特聘副研究员,二类聘特聘助理研究员;起点年薪一类22 万元、二类20 万元, 含国家或广东省资助博士后经费15 万元;聘期内依托我校以项目负责人身份申获以下科研项目可提高年薪 标准,从进站当月补齐:获博士后科学基金项目年薪增至25 万元,获国家基金青年项目年薪增至30 万元, 获国家基金面上项目年薪增至35 万元;可按规定租住博士后公寓,如无法安排博士后公寓或自行解决住房, 学校提供租房补贴每月3000 元;子女可按规定申请入读华南师范大学附属幼儿园和小学,附属学校在全国 名列前茅。
First-category Postdoctor: Candidates, preferably under 35, are expected to have gained his/her doctorate degree in recent 3 years or have passed oral defense of dissertation in current school year in such universities or institutions as Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, domestic universities ranked no lower than SCNU in comprehensive competitiveness or in relevant fields or the top 500 universities in the world.
Second-category Postdoctor: Candidates, preferably under 35, are expected to have gained his/her doctorate degree in recent 3 years or have passed oral defense of dissertation in current school year.
First-category postdoctor will be recuited as Special Associate Research Fellow and second-category postdoctor as Special Assistant Research Fellow. For first-category postdoctor, the annual starting salary is 220,000RMB and for second-category postdoctor 200,000 RMB (postdoctoral fund of 150,000 RMB supported by the state or Guangdong province included). During the tenure, the annual salary will be raised and the difference in salary will be compensated from the date of employment if relying on resources of SCNU, the candidate, as the project leader, can successfully apply for the following scientific research projects: for a project supported by National Science Foundation for Postdoctoral Research, the salary will be raised to 250,000 RMB, for a project supported by National Foundation for Young Scholars, the salary will be raised to 300,000 RMB, for a project supported by National Foundation for General Programs, the salary will be raised to 350,000 RMB. Postdoctoral apartments can be rented according to the regulations. If the postdoctoral apartments can not be arranged or the candidate can resolve his/her own housing issue, the university will provide the candidate with a monthly rental allowance of 3,000 RMB. His or her children can apply to study in the affiliated kindergarten and primary school of SCNU according to relevant regulations.
Documents for Application
1. 个人简历与近照,主要学术成就(提供著作、论文、专利、科研项目、获奖成果等附件),研究计 划,1-2 份国内外学者的推荐信及推荐人联系方式;
2. 通过初评后,杰出人才、领军人才、青年拔尖人才填写《华南师范大学拟引进人才申报表》,青年 英才填写《华南师范大学青年英才岗位报名表》,师资博士后填写《华南师范大学师资博士后申请表》, 根据学校相关程序遴选聘用。(表格在人事处或中心主页下载)
1. One copy of CV and a recent photograph, a list of major academic achievements (enclosing articles, papers, patents, scientific research projects and award-winning achievements), a research plan, one or two recommendation letter(s) from scholars at domestic and abroad, and their contact information.
2. After the initial evaluation is completed, the Outstanding Talents, Leading Talents and the Outstanding Young Scholars need to fill out the South China Normal University Application Form, Youth Elite the South China Normal University Youth Elite Application Form, and postdoctoral teacher candidates the South China Normal University Postdoctoral Teacher Application Form. The applicants are selected and recruited according to related procedure (Please download the Forms at the Website of Human Resource Office: http://rsc.scnu.edu.cn/ or the home page of South China Research Center for Applied Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Studies:http://camis.scnu.edu.cn/).
Contact Information
联系人: 丁老师(华南数学应用与交叉研究中心)
陈老师+86-20-85210015 jczx5@m.scnu.edu.cn
Please send your application materials to the E-mail address below, and the email be titled as: Application+Position+Your Name.
Contact persons:
1. Mr. Ding (CAMIS, SCNU)
2. Ms. Chen (Office of CAMIS,SCNU)
E-mail:dingsj@scnu.edu.cn (Mr. Ding)
jczx5@m.scnu.edu.cn( Ms. Chen)
Office Number:+86-20-85210015 ( Ms. Chen)

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