1. 在计算机或相关专业领域获得博士学位;
2. 具有海外或国内研究型大学、研究机构博士后工作经历或更高层次科研工作2年以上;
3. 近5年在相关领域主流会议或期刊以第一作者身份发表论文3篇以上,论文能体现自己的特长与能力;
4. 能够开展实验室相关研究方向的科研工作;
1. 主要负责“城市公共安全多源数据融合、管理与安全共享关键技术研究”
2. 参与实验室其他相关项目的工作研究;
3. 发表具有国际竞争力的高水平学术论文;
4. 独立申请研究经费,支持实验室长期研究;
5. 协助实验室申报各类科研课题及承担相应的科学研究任务;
6. 指导(或协助指导)博士、硕士研究生等。
1. 提供有竞争力的薪酬待遇,合同期三年,研究副教授年薪35-45万元,研究助理教授年薪25-35万元,年终奖1个月月薪,绩效奖1-3个月月薪。享受南科大正式教职工待遇,包括餐补、高温补贴,过节费,五险一金等。聘期3年,根据聘期表现可续聘。
2. 实验室提供良好的科研条件,全力支持研究副教授、研究助理教授作为负责人申请国家、省、市各级课题。
3. 符合条件者,可申请深圳市高层次人才、孔雀人才计划等160-200万住房补贴政策(分档)。可以申请深圳户口,解决子女入托、入学问题。
1. 个人简历(包含完整的学术论文列表);
2. 代表性论文全文3篇;
3. 其他科研成果说明(如专著、专利);
Positions of Research Associate/Assistant Professor
Professor Yang Shuanghua’s group focuses on the research and application of the theories and technologies relating to industrial IoT, industrial Cyber-Physical systems, big data, and the communication technologies of low power wide area networks. The research team consists of about 20 members including national distinguished experts, professors, PhD students, master students and research assistants. Most of the members have oversea study or work experience. The group is currently undertaken a number of national funded projects. Collaborating with the Tech companies in Shenzhen, the self-developed low power IoT chips have successfully gone into mass production. Applications are invited for 1 research associate/assistant professors.
Essential requirements:
1. A PhD or equivalent in computer science or a closely related discipline.
2. More than 2 years of postdoctoral (or above) research experience in a research-oriented university or research institute.
3. More than 3 publications in top conferences or journals in related research areas within the recent 5 years.
4. Capabilities of carrying out independent research in related areas.
Duties and responsibilities:
1. Undertaking research in areas including fusion and management of urban public safety data, safety sharing technologies.
2. Participating in other relevant projects of the research team.
3. Publishing papers in top conferences and journals.
4. Independently applying for research grants and supporting the long-term research plan of the research team.
5. Assisting in the grant application of the research team and undertaking relevant research tasks.
6. Supervising or assisting in supervising PhD students, master students etc.
Job benefits:
1. A fix term contract for three years with the possibility of extension and a competitive salary (350,000-450,000 CNY per annum for Research Associate Professor and 250,000-350,000 CNY per annum for Research Assistant Professor). In addition, there are an annual bonus equivalent to 1 month base salary and a performance bonus equivalent to 1-3 month base salary. The successful candidates will receive the same benefits as the faculty staff, including subsidy for meals, hot weather, festivals and other benefit required by the law.
2. Well established research facilities and full support for grant applications.
3. Qualified candidates will be assisted to apply for the Shenzhen talent programs such as the Peacock Plan with a reward from 1,600,000 to 2,000,000. Assistance will also be provided for the application of the Shenzhen hukou, school admission for children.
To apply:
Please send the following information to dingyl@sustech.edu.cn with the email subject “IoT research associate/assistant professor-your_name”.
1. Resume (with a complete list of your publications).
2. The full manuscript of 3 representative publications.
3. Other research outputs such as books, patents, etc.
1. 年龄不超过35周岁,博士毕业不超过3年,计算机或相关专业博士学历,具备良好的科研能力;
2. 近5年在相关领域主流会议或期刊以第一作者身份发表论文2篇以上,论文能体现自己的特长与能力;
3. 能够开展实验室相关研究方向的科研工作;
1. 主要负责“城市公共安全多源数据融合、管理与安全共享关键技术研究”
2. 参与实验室其他相关项目的工作研究;
3. 发表具有国际竞争力的高水平学术论文;
4. 独立申请研究经费,支持实验室长期研究;
5. 协助实验室申报各类科研课题及承担相应的科学研究任务;
6. 指导(或协助指导)博士、硕士研究生等。
1. 南科大统一的博士后待遇,合同期两年,年薪33万元/年(含省补助15万(税前)、市生活补助6万元(税后)),特别优秀者可申请校长卓越博士后,薪酬福利不少于40万元/年(含广东省及深圳市补助)。
2. 提供五险一金、住房补贴、过节费、餐补、高温补贴、免费体检等福利待遇。
3. 博士后进站后可申请深圳市户口,对于符合最新《深圳市新引进人才租房和生活补贴》相关政策要求的博士后,落户深圳后,可申请深圳市一次性租房和生活补贴3万元(免税,自主网上申请)。
4. 学校为每位博士后提供在站期间两年共计2.5万元的学术交流资助。
5. 可在聘期内作为项目负责人身份申请博士后科学基金、国家自然科学基金及广东省、深圳市各级课题。
6. 世界排名前200名的高校(不含境内,排名以上一年度泰晤士、USNEWS、QS和上海交通大学的世界大学排行榜为准)的博士毕业生可申请“广东省博士后人才引进计划-海外青年博士后引进计划”,入选博士后可获得省财政给予每人资助60万元生活补贴;对获得本项目资助,出站后与广东省用人单位签订工作协议或劳动合同,并承诺连续在粤工作3年以上的博士后,省财政给予每人40万元住房补贴。
1. 个人简历(包含完整的学术论文列表);
2. 代表性论文全文3篇;
3. 其他科研成果说明(如专著、专利);
Positions of Postdocs
Professor Yang Shuanghua’s group focuses on the research and application of the theories and technologies relating to industrial IoT, industrial Cyber-Physical systems, big data, and the communication technologies of low power wide area networks. The research team consists of about 20 members including national distinguished experts, professors, PhD students, master students and research assistants. Most of the members have oversea study or work experience. The group is currently undertaken a number of national funded projects. Collaborating with the Tech companies in Shenzhen, the self-developed low power IoT chips have successfully gone into mass production. Applications are invited for 2 postdocs.
Essential requirements:
1. A PhD or equivalent in computer science or a closely related discipline. Candidates should be under the age of 35 and obtain their PhDs within 3 years.
2. More than 2 publications in top conferences or journals in related research areas within the recent 5 years.
3. Capabilities of carrying out independent research in related areas.
Duties and responsibilities:
1. Undertaking research in areas including fusion and management of urban public safety data, safety sharing technologies.
2. Participating in other relevant projects of the research team.
3. Publishing papers in top conferences and journals.
4. Independently applying for research grants and supporting the long-term research plan of the research team.
5. Assisting in the grant application of the research team and undertaking relevant research tasks.
6. Supervising or assisting in supervising PhD students, master students etc.
Job benefits:
1. A fix term contract for 2 years with a competitive salary of 330,000 CNY per annum (including 150,000 CNY province-level subsidy before tax and 60,000 CNY city-level subsidy after tax). Candidates may also apply for the chancellor’s award for outstanding postdocs, with a salary of more than 400,000 CNY per annum.
2. The successful candidates will receive the benefits including subsidy for meals, hot weather, festivals, free body check and other benefits required by the law.
3. Postdocs could apply for Shenzhen hukou. After obtaining the Shenzhen hukou, qualified candidates may apply for a housing and living subsidy of 30,000 CNY (tax-free).
4. Postdocs will receive a subsidy of 25,000 CNY from the university for academic activities.
5. Successful candidates will be able to apply as the principal investigator for grants from the postdoc science foundation, the national science foundation as well as the Guangdong province and Shenzhen city.
6. Candidates graduated from the world top 200 foreign universities (according to the latest Times, USNEWS, QS and Shanghai Jiao Tong University Rankings) could apply for a living subsidy of 600,000 CNY from the Guangdong province. The successful candidates will receive a housing subsidy of 400,000 CNY after obtaining their postdoc certificates and signing a contract of more than 3 years with a company registered in Guangdong.
To apply:
Please send the following information to dingyl@sustech.edu.cn with the email subject “IoT -postdoc - your_name”.
1. Resume (with a complete list of your publications).
2. The full manuscript of 3 representative publications.
3. Other research outputs such as books, patents, etc.

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