1 个人简历(包括完整的学术论文列表)
2 研究兴趣与计划陈述
3 教学理念陈述
4 五篇代表性论文全文
5 五位推荐人姓名及联系方式。
物理系已独立承担近200项国家级、地方级的科研项目,包括国家自然科学基金项目75项,科技部/教育部项目12项, 广东省自然科学基金项目1 9项, 深圳市项目48项,科研经费累计逾3.5亿。过去的5年中, 物理系在Nature、Science 、Physical Review Letters、Nature Physics、Nature Materials等权威期刊上发表重要论文880余篇, PRL以及影响因子大于10的顶级期刊220余篇,以南科大为第一或通讯作者单位的文章474篇。
在学生培养方面,目前物理系共有120余名本科生顺利毕业。其中,有近70%的毕业生赴国内外知名高校或科研院所深造,获包括牛津、加州理工、西北大学等国际一流名校全额奖学金,十余名毕业生在华为、中兴、光启、华星光电等著名公司就业。此外,我系本科生还获得了包括美国大学物理竞赛金奖、美国数学建模大赛一等奖在内的高水平奖项10余项,参与科研工作并发表包括Phys. Rev. Lett.、Energ. Environ. Sci.和Adv. Funct. Mater.等高水平期刊论文10余篇(含三篇PRL一作)。物理系目前在校研究生共192人,第一、二届硕士毕业生分别于2018、2019年顺利升学或就业,就业单位包括华为、华星光电、大族机器人、华大基因等著名企业。
Faculty Positions in the Department of Physics of SUSTech
Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) is seeking applicants for tenure-track or tenured faculty positions in the Department of Physics. We are interested in candidates working in diverse fields including Astrophysics, Biophysics, and Particle physics. Candidates well established in Materials Physics, Condensed Matter physics and Computational physics are also welcome. Applicants are expected to manage his/her own research program in their field and be committed to excellence in teaching at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
We offer internationally competitive salaries, benefits, and start-up resources for scientific equipment, as well as annual resources for graduate students, supporting staff and consumables.
A relevant PhD degree, an excellent track record in research and good communication skill are required. Applicants should submit the following documents to hesy@sustech.edu.cn.
(1) Curriculum Vitae (with a complete list of publications)
(2) Statement of research interests and research plans
(3) Statement of teaching philosophy
(4) Five representative publications
(5) Names and contact information of five references
About SUSTech
Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) is a research-oriented public university founded in Shenzhen, China’s innovation center, to serve as a model for reforming the education system and modernizing the national university system. SUSTech has learned from world-class research institutions spanning the globe and has planned its academic disciplines based on the major needs and strategic industries emerging around the Pearl River Delta region. With the characteristic of research, innovation and entrepreneurship, the unique spirit of hard work, SUSTech aims to attract high-quality talents to its faculty, cultivate outstanding and innovative talents, achieve internationally excellent research outcomes, advance knowledge and promote the application of science and technology, and to become a world-class research university.
Currently, SUSTech has 18 departments/schools, there are about 380 tenure/tenure-track professors, 6470 students, including 4205 undergraduate students and 2214 graduate students. In 2019, SUSTech was ranked No. 26 in “Nature Index” among all mainland universities of China. The “Nature Index 2018 Rising Stars” showed that among world's 100 fastest-rising organizations, SUSTech was ranked 4th in the list, which is No. 1 among young universities established after 1988. In the “Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020”, SUSTech maintained its top ten ranking in mainland China, ranking equal ninth in mainland China and between 301st and 350th in the world.
For more information about SUSTech, please visit https://www.sustech.edu.cn/en/
About the Department of Physics
Founded in 2011, the Department of Physics has a current size of 35 full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty members, with a plan to grow into a size of 67 faculties in the next few years. The department provides four-year undergraduate programs in Physics and Applied physics, and also offers master and doctorial programs in Physics. There are about 180 undergraduate students and over 240 graduate students currently.
The Department of Physics now has 4 second-level subjects i.e. condensed matter physics, theoretical physics, computational physics and optics, while setting up biophysics, astrophysics and particle physics. More than 20 laboratories have been established, including 1 Provincial Key Laboratory and 2 Municipal Key Laboratories, equipped with more than 350 million (CNY) instruments including MBE, TEM, FIB, PLD, PPMS, STM, High-Performance Calculation System and so on. Hitherto, the departmental research support totaled more than 350 million (CNY), and its academic have published up to 880 papers in top journals of physics including Nature, Science, Physical Review Letters, Nature Physics, etc.
In the “Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020”, the department of Physics ranked top ten in mainland China, and between 251st and 300th in the world.
For more information about the Dept. of Phys., please visit https://phy.sustc.edu.cn/en/?lang=en

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