1. Job Description
The Faculty of Education of Shenzhen University invites applicants to join Professor Shuying Sean Li’s Innovative Education Research Team in the broad educational field including Gifted Education, Innovative Talent Training, AI + Education, Education Philosophy and Theory and Phenomenological Pedagogy, etc. We are hiring one more full time Researcher/Associate Researcher. In addition, one to-be tenured faculty position is posted separately on the University website.
2. Eligibility
For researcher position, candidates must hold a doctoral degree in Education or related area with solid evidence for academic research outputs. Preference will be given to candidates with outstanding research competence, preferably in the area of education theory and philosophy or university development or faculty development. Priority consideration will be given to those who have overseas studying and working experience, with a good record of publications in competitive refereed journals in the relevant disciplines. Applicants with foreign nationalities are also welcome to apply with no age limit. Selected candidates will be granted the title of Researcher or Associate Researcher equivalent to full professor or associate professor depending upon qualifications and are expected to conduct centralized research projects, produce top level publications with Shenzhen University as the first authoring institution and the other academic work assigned by the team leader. They are also encouraged to apply for various research projects as the principal investigator.
Successful candidates will be expected to assume duty as soon as possible.
3. Remuneration
A competitive annual remuneration package will be offered to successful candidates with a 3 to 5-year contract. During the contract period, excellent researchers can apply for the tenured (long term) faculty position following the university’s hiring procedure. Researchers (with spouse and children) can obtain Shenzhen city residence status.
4. Application Procedure
Applicants should login on http://zp.szu.edu.cn to register, select the “full-time research staff” and apply ONLINE with required supporting documents. Review of applications will commence in October, 2024 and continue until the positions are filled.
5. Contact Information
Please contact Ms Wei @ email: weih@szu.edu.cn or phone @ +86-13534389368.
1. 招聘概述
深圳大学教育学部李树英特聘教授诚邀研究员加入李树英特聘教授领衔的教育前沿与创新研究团队, 研究领域包括:拔尖创新人才培养、教育学原理、人工智能加教育、教育现象学等。李树英博士是人文视域中教育现象学研究的引领者和积极推动者,也是立足教育各学段、基于职场的教师专业发展行动研究的重要倡导者。由于研究发展需要,根据申请的资历情况,拟再招聘一名研究员/副研究员。研究团队另招一名预聘-长聘教师岗位,详见深圳大学教师的招聘广告。
2. 申请条件
3. 身份待遇
4. 申请流程
申请者请前往:http://zp.szu.edu.cn 注册,选择“专职研究人员招聘类型”进行网上申请和提交所需材料。
5. 联系方式
电话:13534389368 (来电时请说明是在硕博英才网shuobojob.cn看到的招聘信息)
http://zp.szu.edu.cn 注册,选择专职研究人员招聘类型进行简历投递。

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