南京大学地球科学与工程学院是中国历史最悠久、培养人才最多的地学专业院系之一。历经百年发展,学科方向全、综合实力强、国际影响显著,在教育部历次学科评估中均名列前茅:第三轮学科评估中,地质学并列第一;第四轮学科评估中, 地质学并列A+;“地质学”和“矿业工程”入选国家“双一流”建设学科。
Tenure-track Faculty Positions in School of Earth Sciences and Engineering,
Nanjing University
The School of Earth Sciences and Engineering at Nanjing University invites applications for six tenure-track Assistant Professor or tenure-track Associate Professor positions (Associate Professor positions no more than 2) in the following fields:
(1) Earth's deep process and dynamics
(2) Formation and prediction of critical mineral resources
(3) Earth system processes and global change
(4) Human activities and prevention of environmental disasters
(5) Evolution of terrestrial and planetary habitability
(6) New technology in Earth and planetary sciences
(7) Green exploitation and efficient utilization of geological resources
1. About the School
The history of School of Earth Sciences and Engineering at Nanjing University can be traced back to 1921, the earliest department of geology in China. After one century development, it has become a leading interdisciplinary center for high education and research in Earth Sciences. It consists of Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Department of Water Sciences, Department of Geological Engineering and Information. Today, it is the home of ~120 faculty members, including 6 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and~50 national high-level professors. Our colleagues have made a lot of achievements, such as the First Prize for the National Science and Technology Progress Award, the Second Prize for the National Natural Science Award. In the China Discipline Evaluation, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering ranked No. 1 in geology in the third round, and A+ in the fourth round. Geology and Mining Engineering were selected in the national "Double First-Class" construction plan.
In addition, the school hosts the State Key Laboratory for Mineral Deposits Research, Key Laboratory of Surficial Geochemistry, and Frontiers Science Center for Critical Earth Material Cycling, Ministry of Education. These research platforms provide many the state-of-arts facilities and welcome joint research projects to scientists around the world. The school encourages innovation and research quality. With focus on science frontiers, national needs and societal challenges, the school promotes interdisciplinary research and high education, and aims to build a new discipline system of earth sciences. It has established long-term cooperation and exchange relationships with dozens of universities and institutions around the world.
2. Required Qualifications
(1) Abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, and have passion for teaching and research.
(2) Good teaching and academic ethics: working diligently, no criminal records, and no punishment records of teaching and academic ethics.
(3) First-class academic background: have a Doctoral degree in related disciplines, study and work experience in first-class universities and institutions, and be familiar with science frontiers in related fields.
(4) Excellent teaching ability: be able to teach core and cutting-edge courses in related fields, have effective teaching methods and good communication skills.
(5) Outstanding academic achievements and potential: have good records of research achievements and original ideas on relevant fields, have a clear research plan, show the ability to work independently, have team spirit and promising academic potential.
(6) In principle, the age of candidates for assistant professor is younger than 35.
3. Application Materials
(1) Application letter (please specify the research field and the applied position)
(2) CV (including a list of peer-reviewed publications)
(3) Statement of research achievements and originality
(4) Research plan and development objectives
(5) Three referee letters from experts
(6) Certificates of teaching experience
4. Salary and Support
A successful candidate will be provided with:
(1) Competitive salary: annual salary will be commensurate with work experience and research performance.
(2) Competitive startup funding: all newly hired tenure-track faculty members will be provided with sufficient startup funding and necessary research infrastructures.
(3) Recruit master and doctoral students.
(4) Housing subsidies and a faculty apartment for rent or sale with a special discount.
(5) Preferential policies in children’s education and etc.
(6) Housing Fund.
5. Important Dates
Application deadline: February 28, 2023
Expected date of evaluation results: The end of July, 2023
The application period will be extended appropriately if the number of the applicants for single postition is relatively small.
6. Contact
If qualified and interested, please submit your application to Ms. Jin Yao.
Tel.: +86 (0)25 89860717 (Ms. Yao)
Email: earthrs@nju.edu.cn
Website of School of Earth Sciences and Engineering: https://es.nju.edu.cn/main.htm

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