1. 遵守中华人民共和国法律和法规,热爱教学科研事业;
2. 具有良好的师德师风,恪守学术道德,勤勉工作,无犯罪记录,无违反师德师风和学术道德惩处记录;
3. 一流的学术背景:具有相关学科领域的博士学位,具有一流教学科研机构的学习和工作经验,熟悉相关领域国际前沿的研究动态。其中助理教授要求博士毕业从事学术研究2年以上;准聘副教授要求博士毕业从事学术研究4年以上;
4. 出色的教学能力:应具有能够胜任本专业核心基础课程和前沿课程的教学能力,掌握良好的教学方法,具有较强的语言表达能力;
5. 突出的科研成果显示度与未来科研发展潜力:应有相关研究方向的成果显示度,对相关研究领域有原创性观点,未来研究计划思路清晰,具有较好的学术潜力。
1. 详细个人简历(含已发表学术成果目录)个人代表作全文(至少三篇)
2. 研究成果与创新性
3. 研究计划与研究潜力
4. 三封推荐信,必须包括博士生导师和博士后导师(如有)
5. 教学经验(如有)
1. 提供事业编制岗位或参照事业编制聘用
2. 实行年薪制(具体另行商定)
3. 提供科研启动经费
4. 支持向学校申报研究生导师资格,成功获批后可招收博士生、硕士生
5. 学校提供短期周转住房和住房补贴,获聘人可优惠购买学校提供的商品房
6. 协助解决子女就读于小学和中学
联系电话:+86 25 89680567(张老师)
Tenure-Track Faculty Openings
School of Environment, Nanjing University, China, 2023
I. About the School
School of Environmental at Nanjing University is one of the top disciplines ranked by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. It is also one of the national “Double First-Class” disciplines in China. The Earth and Environmental discipline at Nanjing University ranked 1st place among the universities worldwide in the Nature Index 2022. The School consists of three departments, namely, Departments of Environmental Sciences, Environmental Engineering, and Environmental Planning and Management (Nanjing Campus), and Institute for the Environment and Health (Suzhou Campus).
School of Environment has a committed and distinguished faculty team. There are 85 full-time faculty members, including 3 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 1 winner of National Outstanding Teaching Master, 17 recipients of the National Special Support Program for High-Level Talents, 28 members of the Young Top Talents Support Plan, and 6 innovative research groups/teams of National Natural Science Foundation of China Innovation Research/ Ministry of Education/Ministry of Science and Technology/Jiangsu Province/Sinopec Association. The school hosts State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resources Reuse, National Engineering Research Center for Organic Pollution Control and Resource, National Experimental Teaching Center of Environmental Science and Engineering, National Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center of Socio-Economic-Environmental System, National Technical Standard Innovation Base, 6 provincial and ministerial research platforms, 14 joint research platforms by the university and local governments, and holds one listed company of Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
II. Positions
We are currently recruiting global talents in various fields of environmental science and engineering. Current openings (up to 3) are mainly tenure-track assistant professors and tenure-track associate professors. Tenured positions can be negotiated specifically. Applicants working on the following research fields are particularly encouraged to apply:
1.Environmental health risk control
2.Environmental big data and artificial intelligence
3.Pollution reduction and low-carbon governance
4.Advanced environmental biotechnology
5. Environmental functional materials
III. Qualifications
The applicant should
(1) Abide by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, and show enthusiasm in teaching and research;
(2) Demonstrated academic ethics, integrity, and diligence, have no criminal record and no record for violating academic ethics and morality;
(3) Have a first-rate background in academic training—specifically, a PhD in relevant disciplines, experience in studying and/or working at first-rate teaching and research institutions, and knowledge of the latest international trends and development in the relevant research field(s); Have engaged in academic research for more than two years (applicant for assistant professor) or four years (applicant for associate professor) after receiving the doctoral degree.
(4) Have the ability to teach basic courses and advanced courses, master good teaching skills, and have good language skills;
(5) Have an excellent academic record and excellent academic potential, have a clear career plan.
IV. Application Materials Required
(1) Curriculum vitae including a list of publications;
(2) Research achievement and innovative contribution;
(3) Brief cover letter describing interests, research plan, and motivation;
(4) Three recommendation letters, which must include ones from the doctoral advisor and postdoctoral advisor (if any);
(5) Teaching experience (if any).
The applicant could apply for the positions through the following link: https://table.nju.edu.cn/dtable/forms/4fd84373-6982-4efb-abe9-3c9231ab9fc7/ and login to the talent recruitment platform of Nanjing University (http://zp.nju.edu.cn/) to submit the application materials required.
V. Compensation Package and Support
Benefits package include:
(1) Employment equivalent to the staff of government-affiliated institutions;
(2) Competitive annual salary (commensurate with qualifications and experience);
(3) Start-up Fund;
(4) Supervision of doctoral and master students (Qualification will be finally evaluated and approved by Nanjing University);
(5) Housing: Provide temporary apartments and housing subsidies. Subsidized apartments (much lower than the market price) will be provided if the applicant hired by the university;
(6) Children’s education: The university will help provide top education for the applicant’s children, including the primary and middle schools.
VI. Application Deadline
Application deadline:June,16, 2023
VII. Contact Details
Tel: +86 25 89680567 (Ms. Zhang)
Email: ndhjhr@nju.edu.cn
The Official Website of School of Environment, Nanjing University: https://hjxy.nju.edu.cn

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