This job will focus on the expression and characterization of proteins using standard biochemical and biophysical techniques for the aim of identifying, developing and optimizing antibodies for therapeutic application. This job requires self-initiation, attention to detail, strong note-keeping skills, frequent, transparent and timely reporting of activities and a responsiveness to feedback. The ideal candidate can take direction, but work both independently and together as part of a team in a dynamic environment to contribute to the collective aims of the lab. They will be open and flexible to learning new techniques and developing new skills while maintaining a core array of regularly used biochemical, biophysical and instrumental techniques.
岗位名称: 抗体筛选平台技术员
• Work within a team on various antibody characterization & optimization projects in parallel
• Maintain complete, accurate, and timely record of experiments and data analysis
• Report on day to day progress in a transparent and timely manner
• Maintain attention to detail, critical thinking, and an aptitude for learning
• Exhibit a pro-active attitude, and strong interpersonal, collaborative and oral communication skills
• Work collaboratively in an interdisciplinary scientific team
• Demonstrate strong time management skills and ability to manage multiple projects in parallel
• Use molecular techniques to sub-clone molecules of interest in to different expression vectors and verify by determination and analysis of DNA sequences
• Express and characterize antibodies and antibody-related molecules in vitro using biochemical, biophysical and cell-based assays
• Present data at group and inter-departmental meetings clearly and succinctly and with scientific rigour
Educational and experience requirements
• An MSc in Immunology, Oncology, Molecular Biology, or a related field with 2-4 years industry experience in the relevant fields (antibody/protein engineering and/or immuno-oncology)
• Strong written and oral communication skills in English
• Preferred experience in antibody/protein engineering, structural biology, or immuno-oncology
• Demonstrated ability to work productively in a fast-paced and collaborative team environment
• Track record of demonstrating analytical skills, bench skills and problem-solving skills
• Past experience in automation or high throughput screening is preferred
• Preference given to those with demonstrated experience in the following techniques including PCR, molecular cloning, protein expression and purification, protein and DNA electrophoresis, basic sequence analysis, ELISA assays, size exclusion exchange chromatography, and basic cell culture.
1. 请应聘者填写完整的应聘材料,通过上海科技大学人才招聘系统提交应聘申请,不接受现场应聘。
2. 请发送中英文简历至shane.miersch@utoronto.ca,抄送给hr_siais@shanghaitech.edu.cn,邮件标题请注明:应聘抗体筛选平台技术员+硕博英才网

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