2019年,上海交通大学医学院启动脑科学研究计划,作为“以疾病为导向的脑科学交叉集成平台”建设的脑科学研究计划的重要组成部分,医学院正在建设脑科学研究中心(Center for Brain Science),依托上海市教委重点支持建设的“脑认知原理解析”创新团队,积极对接“中国脑科学计划”,以认识脑、解析脑为核心,致力于解析脑疾病发病机制,发现药物新靶点,正在发展成为认知相关脑疾病药物研发及神经调控干预机制的策源地。脑科学研究中心聚焦“脑认知原理解析及认知障碍相关疾病机理”总体研究方向,细分为1)神经环路发育与行为;2)学习记忆原理与调控;3)脑疾病药物靶标发现等关键科学问题。脑科学研究中心在整合基础医学院脑科学相关研究力量的基础上,以基础神经生物学平台建设为基础,致力于深化与附属医院若干脑科学相关临床科室的交叉合作,积极探索脑科学多学科整合发展新模式,为上海建设具有全球影响力的科创中心提供重要支撑和推动力。
1. 神经环路发育与行为
2. 重大脑疾病
3. 神经干细胞
Principal Investigator Position Openings
in Department of Anatomy and Physiology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
In 2019, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine (SJTUSM) Being a part of the Strategic Plan of Brain Science Development at Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine entitled with “A crossing and integration brain science platform based on the population cohort and guided by the study of brain diseases”, the Collaborative Innovation Center for Brain Science has been sponsored by the Department of Anatomy and Physiology initiated, which mainly relies on the key Innovation Team entitled with “Principle Analysis of Brain Cognition” supported by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. This center is aimed at actively docking with the China Brain Project, and dedicated to understanding and resolving the brain function, deciphering the mechanisms underlying pathogenesis of brain diseases, discovering novel drug targets, and growing into one of the cradles for drug development and novel neural modulation ways targeting against cognitive-related brain diseases. The center focuses on “Principle Analysis of Brain Cognition and Mechanistic Study of Cognitive Impairment” as the overall research direction, which can be further categorized into three key scientific questions as follows: 1) neural circuit development and behavior, 2) principles and regulation mechanisms of learning and memory, 3) drug target discovery for brain diseases. The center was established by integrating the research teams on brain science at Shanghai Jiao Tong University College of Basic Medical Sciences and grounded as the development of basic neurobiology platform. The center has been longing for collaborating with brain science-related clinical departments from hospitals affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and exploring novel mode for multidisciplinary integration development of brain science, providing an important support and driving force for Shanghai city to grow into the technological innovation center with global impact.
We are now looking for Principal Investigator candidates. We warmly welcome outstanding experts and scholars to apply for the position.
Research directions:
Center for Brain Science focuses on the following 3 directions (applicants can specify their preferred research direction, or indicate others).
(1) Neurocircuits formation and behaviors
(2) Developmental, neuropsychiatric, and neurodegenerative brain disorders
(3) Stem cell neurobiolgoy
Applicants must:
(1) with Ph.D. degree and postdoc research experience, more than 5 years working experience in high level universities (including postdoc research experience);
(2) be better if under 40 years old;
(3) have sufficient research experience in Molecular, Cellular, and System Neuroscience;
(4) have published papers in the prestigious journals such as Cell, Nature, Science or their main subject-specific subscription journals or have mastered world leading research techniques;
(5)have outstanding potential that fits the main research directions mentioned above;
(6) dedicated for full-time working in SJTUSM.
Salary and Package:
SJTUSM will provide a highly competitive salary, excellent laboratory space, generous start-up funds, and support of laboratory assistants and graduate students.
How to Apply:
The application data including the following materials should be sent tochialing_zhang@126.com:
(1) Curriculum Vitae with a recent photo
(2) Hard copies of identity card or passport, diploma and employment certification
(3) A list of publications and grants within 5 years as well as the certifications
(4) Three reference letters including one from the current department director or the lab supervisor
(5) A research proposal
Person to contact: Mrs. Zhang
Telephone: 021-63846590-776668
Address: Room 402, Building 5 in west campus, 280 South Chongqing Road, Shanghai, China
Qualified candidates will be informed for interview as soon as possible. Application data will be kept confidential, and will not be returned.

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