研究中心背景: The Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) are linked by common academic interests and seek to develop collaborations and exchanges in fields of shared interest and expertise. SJTU-UCLA Center for Machine Perception and Inference is involved with creating innovative methodology and solutions using deep and machine learning tailored to the needs of medicine and arts. Center Co-directors: SJTU Prof. Wenjun Zhang (inaugural recipient of Changjiang Scholar, National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar, 973 Chief Scientist,IEEE Fellow), UCLA Prof. Demetri Terzopoulos (FRS, FRSC, IEEE/ACM Fellow, Oscar Technical Achievement Award laureate) Center Academic Committee: Medical Advisor Prof. Ning Guang (CAE), Scientific Advisors Prof. Judea Pearl (Turning Award laureate) etc.
招聘岗位:科研助理 |
招聘人数:1 名 |
聘用方式 |
项目聘用A |
招聘条件 |
研究生教育学历,硕士及以上学位 · 计算机、电子电机工程、数学统计等相关专业, 硕士或博士学历| Master degree or above in CS/EE, statistics or related field · 在计算机视觉, 机器学习或医疗影像领域的顶会或期刊上发表过论文 | Publications in top journals or conferences in the fields of computer vision, machine learning or medical imaging. · 精通机器学习和深度学习库,如Tensorflow 或Pytorch。对计算机视觉以及机器学习常见算法, 模型和解法有深刻理解。| Proficient with one of the popular deep learning software frameworks, such as Tensorflow or Pytorch. A deep understanding of common families of computer vision and machine learning models, algorithms, and solutions. · 了解计算机视觉和机器学习的一些新兴技术(如图像生成模型,多模态融合,小样本学习, 细粒度图像分类,贝叶斯深度学习等)。Understanding of emerging technologies in computer vision and machine learning such as Generative Models, Multimodal Fusion, Few-shot Learning, Fine-Grained Classification, Bayesian Deep Learning etc. · 工作有规划条理,注意细节;有团队合作意识和沟通能力 | Detail-oriented, well organized and self-motivated with a continuous drive to learn, explore and be challenged; work well in teams and communicate ideas clearly · 有3年以上使用深度卷积网络解决分类、目标识别和分割问题经验优先 | Prefer 3+ year(s) in using deep learning for classification, detection, segmentation, etc. · 有医学影像经验或视频处理优先 | Familiarity with videos or medical images is a plus |
岗位职责 |
1. Develop deep learning models and provide a layout of the R&D direction for both research engineers and students 2. Publish results in the top conferences and journals in the fields of medical imaging or computer vision 3. Follow and present recent publications in the designated field and topics 4. Draft research proposal, patent and supporting documents for clinical trials 5. Manage the daily research operations of the Center |
岗位待遇 |
面谈 |
其他 |
请在招聘启事过期前直接在网上应聘(请确认已点击广告右上角“应聘此岗位”按钮; 请确认个人联系方式填写正确并有效;)。请同时发邮件到caoyuedi@sjtu.edu.cn,邮件标题为:中心项目代理应聘+姓名+硕博英才网;邮件附件包括: 1. 个人CV:包括你的学历、专业、工作经历等内容; 2. 求职申请:简要说明你为何想要申请这一职位; 3.相关证书:请附上电子文本。 |
联系方式 |
联系人:曹老师 E-mail:caoyuedi@sjtu.edu.cn 联系地址:上海市闵行区东川路800号 |

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