上海交通大学密西根学院Jaehyung Ju老师课题组2021年7月招聘研究助理1名启事
发布时间:2021-07-20 16:10信息来源:上海交通大学密西根学院
招聘岗位:Research Associate |
招聘人数:1 名 |
聘用方式 |
项目聘用A |
招聘条件 |
研究生教育学历,硕士及以上学位 1.Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering or a field related to 4D printing and active thermomechanical metamaterials. 2.Knowledge on 4D printing, active mechanical metamaterials, and thermal logic gate design. 3.Experience in deploying robot systems, computational mechanics with FE software, CAD drawing, and fabrication with 3D printing. 4.Computer programming skills for interfacing with external hardware will be a plus. 5.Excellent writing and oral communications skills in English. 6.Only applicants with strong academic background, a track record of high-quality research demonstrated by publications in high ranked journals (impact factor>10), and relevant experience will be considered. |
岗位职责 |
1.Lead the projects – 4D printing, thermal logic gates, and active mechanical metamaterials. 2.Conduct both independent and supervised research in a collaborative team environment. 3.Perform tasks on experimental, theoretical, and finite element (FE) modeling/simulation projects. 4.Help the faculty advisor supervise graduate students, write grant proposals, and manage the daily operation of the research lab. 5.Publish research papers in high impact journals and submit deliverables to sponsors. |
岗位待遇 |
面议 |
其他 |
无 |
联系方式 |
联系人:HR办公室 TEL:+862134206045; E-mail:ji-hr@sjtu.edu.cn ,邮件标题注明:应聘某某岗位+本人姓名+硕博英才网。 联系地址:东川路800号 |

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