未来地球海岸(Future Earth Coasts , FEC)最初成立于1993年,前身是国际地圈和生物圈计划(IGBP)的核心项目“海岸带陆海相互作用(Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone, LOICZ)”。2015 年,在新成立的未来地球计划(Future Earth, FE)框架下,LOICZ 被重新命名为未来地球海岸(https://www. futureearthcoasts.org/)。自2019年起,华东师范大学(East China Normal University, ECNU)河口海岸学国家重点实验室联合中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所,在上海设立了FEC国际项目中国办公室(International Project Office-China, IPO-China),成为其在全球分布的5个IPO之一。自2022年1月起,中国IPO将成为FEC的首席IPO。
4.为FEC相关会议及活动提供支持;组织和参加每两周一次的FEC IPO视频工作会议,每月一次的FEC执行委员会视频工作会议,以及每年一次的FEC IPO线下工作会议;参加其他临时组织的相关项目研讨会;
5.为FEC IPO-China相关的联合国海洋十年“大河三角洲计划”有关会议和活动提供支持;
符合条件的应聘者请填写《华东师范大学应聘表》(附件1),附上与岗位相关经历证明或获奖材料,并提供两位推荐人的联系邮箱,邮件发送至rsgl@ecnu.edu.cn,邮件主题为“姓名+FEC IPO China EO+硕博英才网”。应聘申请受理截止时间为2022年1月15日。学校将对应聘者信息严格保密,通知应聘申请初审通过者参加综合测试和面试,未通过者不再另行通知。
招聘单位联系方式:王老师 rczp@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn
3.组织协调FEC、大河三角洲项目的有关会议及活动,承担联络沟通、日程安排等会务工作;组织安排FEC Fellow、FEC Academy会议及活动,加强FEC成员间的交流联系。
4.参加每两周一次的FEC IPO会议,以及临时组织的相关工作会议,整理会议纪要。
符合条件的应聘者请填写《华东师范大学应聘表》(附件1),附上与岗位相关经历证明或获奖材料,并提供两位推荐人的联系邮箱,邮件发送至rsgl@ecnu.edu.cn,邮件主题为“姓名+FEC IPO China Asssistant+硕博英才网”。应聘申请受理截止时间为2022年1月15日。学校将对应聘者信息严格保密,通知应聘申请初审通过者参加综合测试和面试,未通过者不再另行通知。
招聘单位联系方式:王老师 rczp@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn
Executive Officer (EO) for the International Project Office (IPO) of
Future Earth Coasts - China
Future Earth Coasts (FEC) was first established in 1993 as the Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone (LOICZ), a core project of the International Geosphere and Biosphere Programme (IGBP). In 2015, LOICZ was re-titled as Future Earth Coasts in recognition of its transition into the newly formed Future Earth programme, and further extended its remit to explore options to identify sustainability pathways for anthropogenically altered and changing coasts (https://www.futureearthcoasts.org/ ). Since 2019, FEC and East China Normal University (ECNU) established an International Project Office (IPO)-China jointly with Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, as one of its distributed IPOs located in China, Germany, the US and Australia. IPO-China will be the co-lead IPO of FEC from January, 2022.
FEC and ECNU are seeking a candidate to fill the position of Executive Officer (EO) for IPO-China. The EO will oversee the activities of FEC IPO-China with the assistance of an Administrative Assistant.
The responsibility of the EO includes:
1.Establish and maintain a network of contacts among the FEC Executive Committee and distributed IPO as well as FEC’s internal structures and relevant external stakeholders.
2.Implement the resolutions of the FEC Executive Committee; comprehensively coordinate FEC's routine affairs in Eastern and Southern Asia; coordinate internal work with the Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, CAS; in charge of the coordination of the Chinese parts of Marginal Sea Assessment Project.
3.Maintain regular contacts to Future Earth (FE) and participate in FE-related meetings and activities; represent FEC externally, for example, in workshops and meetings or advisory boards, and organize and attend stakeholder meetings virtually and in person; actively seek opportunities for cooperation with other organizations and projects.
4.Provide support for FEC-related meetings and activities, and be responsible for organizing and attending FEC Executive Committee meetings monthly, IPO meetings biweekly, and FEC science conferences.
5.Provide support to meetings and activities of the UN Ocean Decade “Mega-Delta” programme related to FEC IPO-China.
6.Prepare the Director's Report (monthly), the FEC annual report, and other FEC-related official documents.
7.Acquisition of additional funding to support the IPO and FEC activities.
8.Oversee and manage the FEC website, social media platforms in China, etc.
The requirements of EO candidates:
1.Have a PhD degree in marine, geography, ecology, or environment science related majors with a good record of academic achievements;
2.Experience in project management and administration is desirable;
3.Have experience in international projects, and be familiar with marine-related international institutions and academic organizations;
4.Have the ability and experience for organizing conferences;
5.Have the ability to work well within a team as well as independently;
6.Experience with work in interdisciplinary contexts and with non-academic stakeholders is desirable;
7.Have excellent skills in written and spoken English. Fluency in Chinese is desirable.
We offer the EO a challenging and creative working environment. The starting salary will be around 250,000-300,000 in CNY per year, depending on the relevant skills, knowledge and experience that the candidate brings to the position. In addition, medical insurance and other welfare benefits are provided in accordance with ECNU regulations and Shanghai local policy.
Applications, including a CV and the contact information of two referees, should be sent before January 15, 2021 to: rsgl@ecnu.edu.cn. Please use “FEC IPO China EO” in the subject line.
Contact information:
State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research
East China Normal University
500 Dongchuan Road
E-mail: rczp@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn
Assistant for the International Project Office (IPO) of
Future Earth Coasts – China
The responsibility of the FEC IPO-China assistant includes:
1.Responsible for daily communication and general correspondence with distributed IPOs, other relevant agencies and FEC members, assisting in coordinating FEC's routine affairs in Eastern and Southern Asia.
2.Maintain social media channels (email, Only Office, Basecamp, etc.); collect and collate news and valuable information, and edit monthly Newsletters; manage FEC WeChat Official Account and update it in time; assist in managing the FEC official website and FEC-related websites, and updating Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other overseas social media platforms; maintain and update the FEC contacts database.
3.Organize and coordinate meetings and activities of FEC and the UN Ocean Decade “Mega-Delta” programme linked to FEC IPO-China; organize and arrange meetings and activities of FEC Fellows and FEC Academy to strengthen communication between FEC members.
4.Attend FEC IPO meetings biweekly and other FEC related meetings; compile minutes for the meetings.
5.Manage the documents of FEC related meetings and activities; assist in preparing the FEC annual and monthly reports.
6.Responsible for FEC posters, presentations, brochures and other promotional materials.
7.Handle FEC related invoices and budgets, travel bookings and other administrative tasks.
The requirements of FEC IPO-China assistant candidates:
1.Chinese nationality. Have a Master's degree or above in marine, geography, ecology, or environment science related majors.
2.Well experienced in activity planning and coordination, editing, designing, and conference organization, etc.
3.Excellent written and spoken English skills, as well as excellent communication skills.
4.Meticulous, proactive, with strong execution skills, able to work independently and handle multiple tasks simultaneously.
We offer the FEC IPO-China assistant an excellent working environment. The starting salary will be around 150,000-200,000 in CNY per year, depending on the relevant skills, knowledge and experience that the candidate brings to the position. In addition, medical insurance and other welfare benefits are provided in accordance with ECNU regulations and Shanghai local policy.
Applications, including a CV and the contact information of two referees, should be sent before January 15, 2021 to: rsgl@ecnu.edu.cn. Please use “FEC IPO China Assistant” in the subject line.
Contact information:
State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research
East China Normal University
500 Dongchuan Road
E-mail: rczp@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn

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