发布时间:2022-09-20 16:46信息来源:上海交通大学密西根学院
招聘岗位:数学讲师 |
招聘人数:1名 |
聘用方式 |
劳动聘用 |
招聘条件 |
研究生教育学历,博士学位 Applicants are expected to have a doctoral degree in mathematics or a related field and native-level English language skills (native speakers are preferred). Working experience of two years or more after obtaining the doctoral degree, as a post-doctoral or as an instructor, is normally required. Experience in teaching undergraduate and/or graduate courses in mathematics is required, including (but not limited to) subjects such as single- and multi-variable calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra. In addition, experience in a more specialized subject such as probability theory and statistics, numerical analysis or other area is desirable. Experience in the use of a computer algebra system and teaching experience or an additional background in physics, computer science or engineering is an advantage. A successful applicant will be passionate about teaching, willing to stay in Shanghai for a period of at least several years and will consider a long-term commitment to teaching at the Joint Institute. In support, the position provides for a career title progression in the “Teaching Professor” track, analogous to that of research faculty, but without tenure. An applicant’s living experience in China and/or personal connection to China will be an advantage. |
岗位职责 |
1.每学年教授不超过6门课程,每门课程长度为15周,每周的授课时间为3-4小时,另外有2小时的答疑时间;2.根据指定教学大纲备课、授课;设计家庭作业和监考3.指导助教进行课程背诵和作业批改工作4.维护课程网页,该网页中应包括所有教学资料及相关信息1. Deliver up to 6 courses per academic year; each course requires 3 to 4 hours of lectures and 2 hours of office hours per week for 15 weeks; 2. Prepare and conduct classes; design homework and supervise examinations; 3. Guide TAs for recitation classes and grading; give help to students with difficulty; 4. Maintain a course website containing all the teaching materials and information. |
岗位待遇 |
面议 |
其他 |
应聘材料: 1.英文简历及英文求职信; 2.学历学位证书扫描件; 3.三个以上推荐人信息; 4.其他材料应聘者请将简历发送至ji-hr@sjtu.edu.cn,请在邮件标题注明应聘职位+硕博英才网。欢迎登陆密西根学院网站http://ji.sjtu.edu.cn/ |
联系方式 |
联系人:戴老师 TEL:34206045转4571; E-mail:ji-hr@sjtu.edu.cn 联系地址:上海市东川路800号 |

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